Warlock: Master of the Arcane Wiki

Units are anything in the game that moves. There are different kinds of units from economic to fighters, from naval to air. Each race has it's own set of units, though capturing another race's city will allow you to produce their units, and some units are buildable from any city with the correct resource.

See also: Unit Perks, Unit Experience, Table of Units

Fielding an Army

Units cost a set price to recruit, and an upkeep that varies depending on their type and strength. Advanced units cost more to build and keep than basic units, human units like to be paid gold, monster units like more food and undead need mana to maintain.

Human Units

Fighter Archer Caster Healer
Common Warriors Warriors
Rogues Rogues
Hunters Hunters
Advanced Veterans Veterans
Cutthrouts Cutthroats
Rangers Rangers Mages Mages Clerics Clerics
Elite Magisters Magisters Healers Healers
Temple AssassinsAssassins
PaladinsofdaurosPaladins of Dauros
ArchersofheliaArchers of Helia
SistersofkryptaSisters of Krypta PriestessofagrelaPriestesses of Agrela
Siege Naval Peaceful
Common Humansettlers Peasant Settlers
Advanced Catapult Catapult Humancarravel Caravel
Elite Galleon Galleon

Human temple units

God Unit
Krolm Krolm Blademasters Blademasters
Krypta Krypta Sistersofkrypta Sisters of Krypta
Fervus Fervus Beastmasters Beastmasters
Lunord Lunord Assassins Assassins
Grumgrog Grum-Gog
Agrela Agrela Priestessofagrela Priestesses of Agrela
Dauros Dauros Paladinsofdauros Paladins of Dauros
Helia Helia Archersofhelia Archers of Helia

Monster Units

Fighter Archer Healer
Common Goblinspearmen Goblin Spearmen
Ratmanrobbers Ratman Robbers
Rats Rats
Goblinarchers Goblin Archers
Advanced Seasonedgoblinspearmen Seasoned Goblin Spearmen
Ratmanpirates Ratman Pirates
Strongrats Strong Rats
Noblewerewolves Noble Werewolves
Goblinsharpshooters Goblin Sharpshooters Shamans Shamans
Elite Courtwerewolves Court Werewolves Ordainedshamans Ordained Shamans
Temple PaladinsoflifePaladins of Life
WolvesofheliaWolves of Helia
ChampionsofgrumgrogChampions of Grum-Gog
Siege Naval Peaceful
Common Gnomesettlers Gnome Settlers
Advanced Trolls Trolls Monstercarrav Carrav
Elite Oldtrolls Old Trolls Garreon Garreon

Monster temple units

God Unit
Krolm Krolm
Krypta Krypta
Fervus Fervus Druids Druids
Lunord Lunord
Grumgrog Grum-Gog Championsofgrumgrog Champions of Grum-Gog
Agrela Agrela Paladinsoflife Paladins of Life
Dauros Dauros
Helia Helia Wolvesofhelia Wolves of Helia

Undead Units

Fighter Archer Caster
Common Skeletonwarriors Skeleton Warriors
Greenbats Green Bats
Skeletonarchers Skeleton Archers
Advanced Skeletonveterans Skeleton Veterans
Blackshadow Blackshadows
Zombies Zombies
Ghosts Ghosts
Skeletonsnipers Skeleton Snipers Vampires Vampires
Elite Dracolich Dracolich Eldervampires Elder Vampires
Temple PaladinsofdeathPaladins of Death
AdeptsoflunordAdepts of Lunord
KrolmshousecarlsKrolm's Housecarls AncientlichAncient Liches
Siege Naval Peaceful
Common Skeletonsettlers Skeleton Settlers
Advanced Flyinggalleus Flying Galleus Caravelus Caravelus
Elite Flyinglinegalleus Flying Line Galleus

Undead temple units

God Unit
Krolm Krolm Krolmshousecarls Krolm's Housecarls
Krypta Krypta Ancientlich Ancient Liches
Fervus Fervus
Lunord Lunord Adeptsoflunord Adepts of Lunord
Grumgrog Grum-Gog
Agrela Agrela
Dauros Dauros Paladinsofdeath Paladins of Death
Helia Helia

Elvish Units

Fighter Archer Caster Healer
Common Arethispearmen Arethi Spearmen Irilbows Iril Bows
Advanced Arethispearmasters Arethi Spearmasters
Taisharknights Taishar Knights
Irilbowmasters Iril Bowmasters Warlocksofangil Warlocks of Angil
Elite Taisharfirsts Taishar Firsts Sorcerersofangil Sorcerers of Angil
Temple SpiritofdeathSpirit of Death
SpiritofdarknessSpirit of Darkness
SpiritoflightSpirit of Light
SpiritoflifeSpirit of Life
Siege Naval Peaceful
Common Arethisettlers Arethi Settlers
Advanced Skycarveil Sky Carveil Carveil Carveil
Elite Skygillion Sky Gilion Gilion Gilion

Elvish temple units

God Unit
Krolm Krolm
Krypta Krypta Spiritofdeath Spirit of Death
Fervus Fervus
Lunord Lunord Spiritofdarkness Spirit of Darkness
Grumgrog Grum-Gog
Agrela Agrela Spiritoflife Spirit of Life
Dauros Dauros
Helia Helia Spiritoflight Spirit of Light

Special Resource Units

Units that every race (Human, Monster, Undead and Elves) can obtain from buildings on special resources.

Fighter Archer Caster Siege
Common Koatlspears Koatl Spears
Advanced Minotaurs Minotaurs
Halberdiers Halberdiers
Stubbornknights Stubborn Knights
Elvenarchers Elven Archers
Koatlhunters Koatl Hunters
Koatlwarlocks Koatl Warlocks Dwarves Dwarves
Elite Blackminotaurs Black Minotaurs
Royalguardsmen Royal Guardsmen
Giantturtle Giant Turtle
Reddragon Red Dragon
Elvensharpshooters Elven Sharpshooters Dwarvenovercomers Dwarven Overcomers
Supreme Golddragon Gold Dragon

Nature Units

For more details, see Nature.
These creatures are unique to the wilds of Ardania and the Underworlds, and cannot be recruited through conventional means. Some of them, however, can be obtained through Summon Spells. They can attack and capture cities.

Fighter Caster Siege Naval
Common Cockroaches Cockroaches
Wildratmen Wild Ratmen
Imps Imps
Bears Bears
Wolves Wolves
Ghostwolves Ghost Wolves
Monstereatingspiders Monster-Eating Spiders
Wildserpents Wild Serpents Leviathon Leviathan
Advanced Cockroaches Ancient Cockroaches
Greatbears Great Bears
Oldwolves Old Wolves
Werewolves Werewolves
Earthelemental Earth Elementals
Predatorspiders Predator Spiders
Demons Demons
Fireelementals Fire Elementals
Ogres Ogre Serpent Sea Serpent
Elite Bearmen Bearman
Deadwood Demonwood
Greaterearthelemental Greater Earth Elemental
Shadowofvendral Shadow of Vendral
Greaterfireelemental Greater Fire Elemental Kraken Kraken
Supreme CaveBear Cave Bear
CockroachOfHell Cockroach of Hell
DiamondElemental Diamond Elemental
DryDemonwood Dry Demonwood
MadPeasants Mad Peasants
MindlessZombies Mindless Zombies
NightmareWolves Nightmare Wolves
RedWidowmaker Red Widowmaker
VengefulGhost Vengeful Ghost
EvilSorcerers Evil Sorcerers
WaterElemental Water Elemental
MossyTroll Mossy Troll

Dremer Units

For more details, see Dremer.

Fighter Archer Caster Naval
Advanced DremerWarriors Dremer Warriors DremerThrowers Dremer Throwers
Elite FlyingDremers Flying Dremers DremerMages Dremer Mages SeaDremer Sea Dremer
Supreme DremerBrutes Dremer Brutes
DremerGiants Dremer Giants
Absolute Dremargor Dremargor
GreatMageShadow Great Mage Shadow


These units have a chance to be spawned when your reputation with corresponding God is Hatred.

God Avatar
Krolm AvatarOfKrolm Avatar of Krolm
Krypta AvatarOfKrypta Avatar of Krypta
Fervus AvatarOfFervus Avatar of Fervus
Lunord AvatarOfLunord Avatar of Lunord
Grumgrog AvatarOfGrumGog Avatar of Grum-Gog
Agrela AvatarOfAgrela Avatar of Agrela
Dauros AvatarOfDauros Avatar of Dauros
Helia AvatarOfHelia Avatar of Helia

Temple Units

Already listed above, these are just here for convenience.

God Fighter Archer Caster Healer
Krolm Krolm Blademasters Blademasters
Krolmshousecarls Krolm's Housecarls
Krypta Krypta Spiritofdeath Spirit of Death Sistersofkrypta Sisters of Krypta
Ancientlich Ancient Liches
Fervus Fervus Beastmasters Beastmasters
Druids Druids
Lunord Lunord Assassins Assassins
Adeptsoflunord Adepts of Lunord
Spiritofdarkness Spirit of Darkness
Grumgrog Grum-Gog Championsofgrumgrog Champions of Grum-Gog
Agrela Agrela Paladinsoflife Paladins of Life Priestessofagrela Priestesses of Agrela
Spiritoflife Spirit of Life
Dauros Dauros Paladinsofdauros Paladins of Dauros
Paladinsofdeath Paladins of Death
Helia Helia Wolvesofhelia Wolves of Helia
Spiritoflight Spirit of Light
Archersofhelia Archers of Helia

Summoned Units

Units that can only be summoned with spells:
